‘Learn to Love, Love to Learn’


Dear Parents and Carers,


St. Bede's Catholic Infant School is a celebrating community which lives the Gospel Values in all that we do. Our wonderful staff is committed to developing and maintaining our proven excellent standards. We know that you, as parents, will join us in our efforts to help your child achieve their best during their time with us and that you will take a strong interest in the life of our School. 

We have a strong Catholic ethos and this is abundantly clear as you share in the life of our School. Our School is conducted by its Governing Body as part of the Catholic Church in accordance with its Trust Deed and instrument of Government and seeks at all times to be a witness to Jesus Christ and the proclamation of His Good News. 

We welcome you to our school community and we look forward to sharing your child's learning journey where our children:

'Learn to love; love to learn'.

Miss J. Coughlan.


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